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Ana Heloiza Tuze
Matheus Vieira da Silva
Laryssa Lopes França
Renan Vieira de Santana Rocha


The objective of this study was to observe and analyze the practices of the multidisciplinary team in the field of public health in Basic Health Units (UBS – acronym in Portuguese), offering this opportunity to a trio of trainees of the Graduation in Psychology, from a UBS specifically in the city of São Paulo. It is necessary for us to be able to understand the functioning of a team and the challenges to be faced when the necessary assistance is not available so that they can deliver a good result to the individuals who seek a reception. The value of the observations made is given in the understanding, as a Psychology student, of the functioning of the UBS and of Primary Health Care itself, in learning and understanding how it works, not only the area in which it will potentially work, but also having the valuable opportunity to accompany other professionals, such as: psychiatrist, nurse, social worker and speech therapist. With the benefit of the observation and necessary questions to be raised so that we can provide a good analysis of this experience, it was possible for us to be present in the clinical care, meetings and home visits carried out by the team, covering a vast field of practices and knowledge so that we can it was possible to understand better, and in a contextualized way, the operation of a multidisciplinary team within the Unified Health System (SUS – acronym in Portuguese) – as we will outline throughout this article, in the format of an Experience Report.

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How to Cite
TUZE, A. H. .; SILVA, M. V. da; FRANÇA, L. L. .; ROCHA, R. V. de S. . PSYCHOLOGY AND MULTIPROFESSIONAL WORK IN PRIMARY HEALTH CARE: EXPERIENCES IN A BASIC HEALTH UNIT (UBS) IN THE CITY OF SÃO PAULO. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 13, n. 37, p. 12–26, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7581882. Disponível em: Acesso em: 12 may. 2024.


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