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Alicia Schmoeller Bernardo
Damiana Denise do Nascimento
Mayara Fortunato Mendes
Renan Vieira de Santana Rocha


This article aims to present the internship process in Institutional Psychology carried out in an institution of the Specialized Service of Social Approach (SEAS), in the state of São Paulo, remotely, in view of the new coronavirus pandemic. To achieve this, weekly meetings were held for seven weeks with the institution's workers, with the aim of offering them a place of support and welcoming, where they felt comfortable sharing their anxieties and demands, in order to alleviate their routine at work and the resulting psychological burden. The methodology used was the Experience Report, a method whose focus was exclusively on the analysis of the experience lived by the interns in their work process. The demands, difficulties and challenges that both the workers and the homeless population face daily are discussed in this study as a basis for its analysis, and were also identified in the workers' discourse from the meetings held. Therefore, this experience provided a view of the current picture of the human conditions of society in their plurality – but also in their inequalities – and highlighted the need to explore interconnected positive, negative and collective stories that affect each other's lives in a personal and social but, above all, professional aspect.

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BERNARDO, A. S. .; NASCIMENTO , D. D. do .; MENDES, M. F.; ROCHA, R. V. de S. WELCOMING SERVICES TO WORKERS IN A SERVICE SPECIALIZED IN SOCIAL APPROACH IN THE STATE OF SÃO PAULO: AN EXPERIENCE REPORT IN PSYCHOLOGY TRAINING. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 7, n. 21, p. 10–23, 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5199519. Disponível em: https://revista.ioles.com.br/boca/index.php/revista/article/view/438. Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.


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