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Francinaide Campos Verdolin
Francisleile Lima Nascimento


This article comprises an experience report, which deals with the adhesion of students to participate in the activities of the Physical Education discipline, in the 2nd to 5th grades of the Francisco de Souza Bríglia Municipal School, during the period of the pandemic in the year of 2021. Considering that the discipline of Physical Education does not only deal with concepts related to different contents, but with the practice of exercises itself, the present report has the general objective of verifying the participation and experience of students in school activities in the discipline of Physical Education , through remote teaching, aiming to show what benefits students can take from this teaching modality in relation to the applicability of the Physical Education discipline. Therefore, in 2021, especially in the final stretch of the school year, hybrid teaching is being carried out in municipal schools, including the school about which this report is being made. The methodology used was qualitative and quantitative research with a sample of 72 (seventy-two) students, through a questionnaire with 06 (six) objective questions, carried out through a Google Forms link, considering that the population is of 184 (one hundred and eighty-four) students. The results show that with the implementation of blended learning, teaching has been much more satisfactory than when students carried out their Physical Education activities exclusively through the WhatsApp application. This demonstrates an advance in the dynamics of pedagogical practice, which allows classes to intersperse student participation in face-to-face classes.

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How to Cite
VERDOLIN , F. C.; NASCIMENTO, F. L. ADHESION OF STUDENTS IN REMOTE AND ON-SITE ACTIVITIES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN THE PANDEMIC PERIOD (2021). Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 9, n. 27, p. 71–90, 2022. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6302540. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


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