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This article is about the scope of the psychological field with the theme of the analysis of Burnout syndrome in the context of the new Coronavirus pandemic with professionals in the field of psychology. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the Burnout Syndrome consists of poorly managed chronic stress arising from high workloads and double shifts that require high levels of professional responsibilities. From this perspective, the article has goal to analyze whether the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to the levels of intensification of the onset of Burnout syndrome among professionals in the field of psychology. In this sense, the article reflects and proposes a re-reading of the concepts and definitions of the pathology, contextualizing the COVID-19 pandemic, thus presenting the symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatments, as well as the most affected professionals. The research methodology starts from a literature review called bibliographic research of exploratory and descriptive nature under the perspective of qualitative research and content analysis. As an expected result, the article presents an updated discussion about topic in the context of the pandemic, showing that the diseases of the century have intensified with COVID-19 affecting the lives of health professionals, in particular Psychologists who, during the pandemic, have been on the line front, they had their workloads expanded and began to live each day with a greater psychological burden, intensified by the peaks of COVID-19, which has victimized millions of people.
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