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Suziane da Silva Oliveira
Francisleile Lima Nascimento


This article addresses the theme of education reflecting on rural education in the Municipality of Rorainópolis-RR. The research problem is to understand the difficulties faced by teachers in developing the teaching of the Portuguese language in the context of rural education. In this sense, the research aims to analyze the proposals and challenges in the teaching of the Portuguese language in rural education in the Municipality of Rorainópolis-RR. The research methodology starts with a literature review characterized by a bibliography and legal review of a descriptive and exploratory nature, followed by an experience report with an interview with the coordination of the field in the Municipality of Rorainópolis-RR, using a qualitative approach in which the analysis occurred through documents from the Education Secretariat of the Municipality of Rorainópolis-RR. The research shows that based on data from SEMED / Rorainópolis-RR and reports from the coordinators, what was found is that pedagogical works with an emphasis on textual genres and planning with sequences had more concretization (effects) in the early years. In part, due to the commitment of the teachers themselves and, in a way, to the lack of coordination at that level. Once, the accompaniments and charges of the pedagogical coordination intensify more to the first level, since it is the base of the rural education in the municipality, returning the concern to the result of Provinha Brasil, the National Literacy Assessment.

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How to Cite
OLIVEIRA, S. da S. .; NASCIMENTO, F. L. RURAL EDUCATION IN RORAINÓPOLIS (RR): PROPOSALS AND CHALLENGES IN PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE TEACHING. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 11, n. 33, p. 102–118, 2022. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7060049. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 may. 2024.


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