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Thaís de Sousa Bezerra de Menezes
Silvana Carneiro Maciel
Camila Cristina Vasconcelos Dias
Bárbara Dias Tenório


This study aims to identify and analyze the beliefs: Belief in causality of excess weight linked to the controllability beliefs, changeability beliefs, blame attribution beliefs, as well as stereotypes about fat people. The sample was 200 participants from the general population of residents in Paraíba. To the apprehension of beliefs, open questions were used and analyzed through Content Analysis, and closed questions were analyzed with SPSS. The Free Word Association Task (FWAT) was also used, with the stimulus “fat person”, to obtain stereotypes. The results indicated that these beliefs play an important role in prejudice and sometimes they are affected by the social desirability. The present study pointed out possible ways to accurately apprehend these variables in addition to the need to evaluate these beliefs together, investigating their interactions in explaining prejudice against fat people.

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How to Cite
MENEZES, T. de S. B. de; MACIEL , S. . C.; DIAS, C. C. V.; TENÓRIO, B. D. . BELIEFS AND STEREOTYPES ABOUT OVERWEIGHT. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 7, n. 20, p. 141–162, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7729261. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


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