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The scope of the present is based on analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on social, political, economic and, consequently, legal relations. The crisis resulting from the pandemic has brought to light debates on topics that have not been very popular in the media in recent years. The critical scenario provided by COVID-19 brought together specific deficiencies, contrary to basic normative principles of the Federal Constitution of 1988, with special attention to the dignity of the human person. Furthermore, the biggest criticism surrounds the worsening of hunger and poverty in the country, which directly implies this criticism. Therefore, a corrupting distortion in the access to basics in a large portion of the population was noted, a fact that worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic, as shown in the present. Finally, the pandemic allowed for a critical rethinking of the right to food itself and the fight against hunger and poverty must be faced with more determination in light of the inspection of state institutions that guarantee the fight against them. The methodology used was based on the use of historiographical and deductive scientific methods.
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