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Most pregnancies are uneventful, however, some pregnant women may have complications with high risk of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality, as in pre-eclampsia. This study aims to analyze the importance of nursing care provided to pregnant women affected by pre-eclampsia/eclampsia. The study method was an integrative literature review. Data collection was carried out from August to September 2020 in publications from the last ten years. The search was performed in the Virtual Health Library (BVS-BIREME), in the Latin American and Caribbean Literature databases in health sciences (LILACS) and in the Scientific Electronic Library Online portal (SCIELO) using the following descriptors: “Eclampsia”; "Nursing"; "Nursing care". The results gathered gathered 13 articles and showed that, when an early diagnosis is not established, it entails serious consequences. Nursing care in the face of pre-eclampsia requires scientific and technical knowledge for a rigorous and comprehensive assessment, aiming at prevention, promotion and control. It was concluded that specific nursing care for women with pre-eclampsia and/or eclampsia is capable of reducing complications and morbidity and mortality rates, through specific tests.
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