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This article aims to analyze the historical process of Venezuela, from the political-socio-economic and migratory perspective, highlighting the main reasons that gave rise to the state bankruptcy process in that country, which corroborate to originate a migratory process of Venezuelans through several countries in the globe. The methodological procedures of the research were characterized by an exploratory-descriptive-analytical study regarding to the ends and by a qualitative nature regarding to the means, using the historical-deductive method. In the data collection procedures, a bibliographic and legal review was used. Data analysis procedures were based on historical hermeneutics and graphical and geospatial analysis. The research results show that in the course of Venezuela's recent history there has been a cycle permeated by a pattern of relative growth and consequent acute political and socioeconomic crisis, motivated by endogenous and exogenous factors that directly affected the State and the Venezuelan population itself. Hostage to oil, Venezuela has a direct impact on its economy to the fluctuations in the international petroleum market, which contributed to its monetary and structural destabilization, since the country uses this commodity as the main source of promotion for socioeconomic development. In this way, the research identified that the political processes over time pointed to a system based on the welfare and rent seeking model, which contributed to the occurrence of patrimonial dynamics and co-optation of public and private agents. Finally, it is concluded based on the discussions previously presented that the Venezuelan political-social process allied to the volatilities of the oil market cooperated for the installation of an unprecedented crisis and unleashed a mass migration process of the Venezuelan people to several countries.
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