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Luciano Alvarenga dos Santos
Francisleile Lima Nascimento


The present research focus on the theme of the historical and geographic process of the occupation and expansion of the Rio Branco region in the state of Roraima. The article seeks to reflect on the route to the El Dorado that several colonists have traced in the search of the golden imaginary that covered the golden city delving into the historical, geographical and cultural context of the Lower Maú River along the Taurî-yamarî path (The slaves' path) through the channel known as Igarapé do Pirara. The general objective starts from a search through the bibliographic review in order to advance on the geographic and historical aspects of the Taurî-yamarî path (The slaves' path) in the Lower Maú River that establishes a historical route to El Dorado. The research methodology starts from a bibliographic review characterized as descriptive and explanatory, as well as making use of content analysis and a participatory field research. In this way, the research shows that the Pirara Channel corresponds to the route of the legendary and imaginary El Dorado. The El Dorado route can be an important element for the Cultural Tourism of Roraima aiming at the cultural and historical rescue as well as the preservation of the environment that surrounds the Pirara Channel. With the possibility of presenting a technical and descriptive route of the Pirara Channel, this research evidences the need for establishing a tourist itinerary within the region in a planned and sustainable way preserving the natural aspects and retelling the history of the legendary El Dorado.

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How to Cite
SANTOS , L. A. dos; NASCIMENTO, F. L. CULTURAL TOURISM IN RORAIMA: TUARÎ-YAMARÎ (THE SLAVE WAY) IN LOW MAÚ RIVER. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 10, n. 28, p. 86–110, 2022. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6402912. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 may. 2024.


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