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Thiago Chieppe Saquetto
Esthefani Pereira Santos
Abrahão Alexandre Alden Elesbon
Francisco José Casarim Rapchan
Ednaldo Miranda de Oliveira


Contemporary challenges emphasize the importance for organizations to develop strategic competencies to deal with constant organizational changes, particularly in sectors characterized by intense competitiveness. In this context, sustainability emerges as a pivotal concept for organizations today, aiming to balance economic, environmental, and social interests. This research was conducted with the objective of understanding how the dimensions of sustainability align with project management, according to the perception of managers, in a foundation created to address an environmental disaster in Brazil. The event that led to the creation of the investigated foundation was the Fundão dam rupture in Mariana (MG), which occurred in 2015. For this purpose, a qualitative research methodology was adopted, with descriptive ends, using the Case Study method. Regarding methodological procedures, a bibliographic and documentary survey was conducted, along with interviews with the foundation’s managers. From the research findings, it was possible to perceive that in the foundation created for the repair of an environmental tragedy, the managers consider the dimensions of sustainability in a rather unique way concerning project management, given the nature of the activities undertaken by the foundation in response to the environmental disaster. The social dimension was particularly emphasized due to judicial requirements for the participation of those affected in the decision-making process, ensuring local representation from the planning action phases. Moreover, the diversity of control mechanisms was another highlight from the interviewed managers, given the need to provide stakeholders with access to information transparently and ethically, related to project management and the rational use of resources. Thus, the economic aspect was considered not only in terms of compensations to those affected but also in terms of broader socio-economic improvements, such as strengthening the local economy, creating jobs and income, and promoting sustainability after the recovery efforts have concluded.

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How to Cite
SAQUETTO, T. C.; SANTOS, E. P. . .; ELESBON, A. A. A. .; RAPCHAN, F. J. C. .; OLIVEIRA, E. M. de. DIMENSIONS OF SUSTAINABILITY: THE CASE OF A FOUNDATION CREATED TO REPAIR BRAZIL’S BIGGEST ENVIRONMENTAL TRAGEDY. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 18, n. 53, p. 638–665, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12510908. Disponível em: https://revista.ioles.com.br/boca/index.php/revista/article/view/4569. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


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