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Antonio Escandiel de Souza
Carini de Fátima Ribeiro Hinnah
Sirlei de Lourdes Lauxen
Denise da Costa Dias Scheffer


This study contemplates reflections on the interaction between theory and practice in the context of higher education, based on the teaching internship experience of a master's student in the Oral and Written Communication discipline offered in the Administration course at the University of Cruz Alta - UNICRUZ. The internship in question is part of the evaluation of the Higher Education Teaching course, included in the Postgraduate Program in Sociocultural Practices and Social Development, both for the master's and doctoral degrees, as guided by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES). The text describes the practical activities carried out during the internship, highlighting the integration of reading, analysis, and the use of institutional documents such as the Institutional Development Plan and the Course Pedagogical Project. This approach constitutes a qualitative analysis of the process. Through the teaching internship, its relevance in the training of higher education professionals was observed, aligned with the guidelines established in the field of teaching and learning, as well as with the requirements of the higher education institution and CAPES. In summary, the practice of teaching internship in the academic environment proves to be an essential component in the process of training higher educators, contributing to alignment with educational policies and the development of pedagogical competencies necessary for effective teaching in higher education.

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How to Cite
SOUZA, A. E. de .; HINNAH, C. de F. R.; LAUXEN, S. de L.; SCHEFFER, D. da C. D. TEACHING INTERNSHIP IN HIGHER EDUCATION: REFLECTIONS ABOUT PRACTICE FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 18, n. 52, p. 69–81, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11003231. Disponível em: https://revista.ioles.com.br/boca/index.php/revista/article/view/3917. Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


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