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Ricardo Henrique Vieira de Melo
Altamira Pereira da Silva Reichert
Talitha Rodrigues Ribeiro Fernandes Pessoa
Karla Patrícia Cardoso Amorim


This is a study that includes an experience report on a pedagogical activity, called "The Seas of the SUS", during the training itinerary provided by the discipline Internship in Teaching, in the Professional Doctorate in Family Health of the Northeast Network of Training in Family Health. The participants were students of the discipline Health and Citizenship II, in the undergraduate courses in the area of health at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in the practice setting of a unit of the Family Health Strategy in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The theoretical-methodological procedures were guided by: the pedagogical principles of the critical school of meaningful learning; the Methodology of Analysis of Everyday Networks; by the Socratic method; and by the Interactive Assessment - to stimulate the socialization of thought and debate, in conversation circles, mediated by the preceptorship. It is highlighted, from the thematic analysis of records in reflective learning portfolios, that the activity was a potential pedagogical instrument to give voice to the student, enabling him to be a builder of his learning, protagonist, active and responsive. It is concluded that the articulated movement of the discussions induced constant deconstructions and reconstructions, removing the participants from their comfort zone by inviting them to socialize their critical reflections in a circle, through the confrontation between the experiences of the lived and the expectations of the future, fostering democratic dialogues, developing ethical and respectful postures during the debate. Its reproduction is recommended, as well as further investigations on the impact on health education.

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How to Cite
MELO, R. H. V. de; REICHERT, A. P. da S.; PESSOA, T. R. R. F.; AMORIM, K. P. C. THE SEAS OF SUS: AN EXPERIENCE REPORT. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 17, n. 51, p. 224–242, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10884255. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 dec. 2024.


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