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The Functional Theory of Human Values (TFVH) conceives values as general guidance principles for actions, transcending specific objects or situations, being a relevant theme in explanation different psychosocial variables. The objective was to verify the adequacy of the content and structure hypotheses of FTHV in children from the coast of Piauí. There were 272 people from the Parnaíba city, (Mage= 10.72), mostly girls (51.1%), who answered the Basic Values Questionnaire - Children (BVQ-C) and sociodemographic questions. The content hypothesis was confirmed, comparing the original hexafactorial model with alternatives (uni, bi, tri and pentafactorial). The structure hypothesis indicated that the values are represented in a space 3 (type of orientation: personal, central and social) x 2 (type of motivator: materialistic or humanitarian). Concluded that the FTVH was adequate in the studied context and can be used to understanding human values and their correlates in samples of children between 8 and 12 years of age.
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