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Rozane Cachapuz
Laís Oliveira
Marcelo Silva


Within capitalism, not only did elderly individuals without work prospects suffer for extended periods, but children and adolescents also had their labor exploited. Legal changes brought about rights of protection, labor rights, and social security rights. However, the right to access benefits and the prohibition of child labor later sparked a debate with the recognition of rural work undertaken before the age of 12 for social security purposes. The present study, therefore, centered on the theme "Recognition for Social Security Purposes of Rural Work Undertaken Before the Age of 12." The overall objective was to discuss the inclusion of rural work performed before the age of 12 for social security purposes and the constitutional prohibition of child labor. Employing a literature review method, along with bibliographic research and the application of deductive methodology and qualitative analysis of information, this article proved significant. Based on the results, it was concluded that child labor cannot be allowed or recognized. However, in the case of workers not protected from it during childhood, the right to recognition is warranted. Including the work of children under 12 years old in rural actions for social security purposes is a repayment of a historical debt from a time when there was no protection. Critically observing the cases, the present right, and the decisions, denying the recognition of the inclusion of child rural labor for applicants would re-victimize individuals who lost their childhood working when protection was absent.

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How to Cite
CACHAPUZ, R. da R. .; OLIVEIRA, L. A. O.; SILVA, M. A. RECOGNITION FOR SOCIAL SECURITY PURPOSES OF RURAL WORK CARRIED OUT BEFORE THE AGE OF 12. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 15, n. 45, p. 26–47, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8323117. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.


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