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Francisleile Lima Nascimento
Elói Martins Senhoras


Solid residues are discarded materials originated from human activities in the social environment, whose final destination proceeds, in liquid, solid or semi-solid, and gaseous states, which makes their release into sewers or into bodies of water unviable due to the several socio-environmental problems, thus requiring from all society technical and economic measures in their management. From this perspective, Cleaner Production emerges as an environmental management tool that has an economic and technological with economic and technological characteristics that provide acceleration of production aiming at cost reduction and minimization of waste. In this sense, this article aims to reflect on the management of solid waste as well as the need for the rational use of this resource in the industrial sector of Roraima. The methodology is based on a descriptive literature review using the exploratory and analytical method. The analysis of the results is guided by content analysis. Therefore, the results show that through cleaner production, reverse logistics and application of consortia it is possible to manage solid waste in such a way that it serves as an input for the industrial sector. It is concluded that the solid waste management consortia by the industrial sector promote upstream and downstream chain strategies through double winning double policies, generating new products and processes, benefiting the economy and the environment.

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How to Cite
NASCIMENTO, F. L. .; SENHORAS, E. M. . PRODUÇÃO MAIS LIMPA, LOGÍSTICA REVERSA E CONSÓRCIOS PÚBLICOS INTERMUNICIPAIS NA GESTÃO DE RESÍDUOS SÓLIDOS EM RORAIMA. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 1, n. Especial, p. 32–40, 2019. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3751813. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


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