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Ronaldo Silva Júnior
Geiziane Fonseca Lopes
Vanessa Durans Silva
Jully Hellen dos Santos Carvalho


This article brings reflections on how Assistive Technology resources contribute to the training of students with disabilities, and it is understood that a discussion on the subject is necessary. In this sense, this research outlined the following objective of analyzing the contributions of assistive technologies in the training process of people with disabilities. The methodology is qualitative, descriptive and bibliographic in nature, since it aims to point out knowledge published in the literature on Assistive Technologies (AT) that contributed to the development and training of people with disabilities. It is observed that we are experiencing a context of great advances and profound transformations, where Assistive Technologies emerge as an important instrument that creates new possibilities of autonomy for students with disabilities. Assistive technology emerges as an inclusive practice, which can contribute significantly to the training of these students and to their inclusion in the school environment. They are also necessary in this theme to continue the discussions, as well as the supply of technological resources necessary to be used according to the specificities of the students in the sense of not only making them available, but also stimulating supervision in order to guarantee the their use to contribute to their teaching-learning process.

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How to Cite
SILVA JÚNIOR, R. .; LOPES, G. F.; SILVA, V. D.; CARVALHO, J. H. dos S. ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY: THE IMPORTANCE IN THE TRAINING OF STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 14, n. 41, p. 248–260, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7927443. Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 may. 2024.


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