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Alisson Schafer Teodoro
Gabriela Cappellari
Bianca Bigolin Liszbinski
Gabriela Sanson Kiefer
Pâmela Priscila Correia


This study focuses on the female presence in leadership positions. The objective is to analyze the difficulties that women face in their professional career until they rise to the management level in a Credit Union. This is an applied research, quantitative approach, in relation to the objectives it is descriptive and not regarding the procedures it is a survey. The object of investigation was a Credit Cooperative, with 41 years of operation, with its headquarters located in the northwest region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Regarding the research supports, these refer to managers at the tactical, strategic level and operational, totaling 12 managers. Data were collected through a questionnaire and later tabulated using Microsoft Excel and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The research highlights the growing participation of women in the workforce and in leadership positions, but also reveals the challenges associated with social expectations and domestic responsibilities, which often hinder women's progress in their careers. Based on the main factors presented for the "glass ceiling", the evidence suggests that a cooperative can be considered an inclusive company, as it offers equal opportunities for men and women. on female representation in management positions and the importance of promoting gender equality in the job market.

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How to Cite
TEODORO, A. S. .; CAPPELLARI, G.; LISZBINSKI , B. B. .; KIEFER, G. S.; CORREIA, P. P. FEMALE RISE: UNCOVERING THE CHALLENGES OF THE GLASS CEILING IN MANAGEMENT POSITIONS. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 19, n. 57, p. 46–73, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13901255. Disponível em: https://revista.ioles.com.br/boca/index.php/revista/article/view/5614. Acesso em: 16 oct. 2024.


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