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Raiure de Sousa Ribeiro Carvalho
Cristiano Teixeira Mostarda
Marcos Antonio do Nascimento


The vertebral column is a crucial structure for supporting and maintaining an upright posture, in addition to protecting the spinal cord. It may undergo some postural alterations over the years. The aim of this study was to investigate postural deviations among high school students in São João dos Patos - MA, associating them with backpack weight and levels of physical activity. Photogrammetry (photographic records) was utilized to investigate postural deviations through the EKSY application. The Avanutri portable stadiometer was used to assess height, while the Omron HBF-514C scale measured the weight of both volunteers and backpacks. The International Physical Activity Questionnaire in its short version was employed to evaluate physical activity levels. Data were presented as mean ± standard deviation and percentage. A total of 34 students participated in the study, with 19 females and 15 males. The backpack weight for female students was 3.01±1.07 kg, and for male students, it was 2.99±0.89 kg. The body mass index (BMI) showed a higher incidence of individuals within the normal range, with 67% for males and 79% for females. Regarding postural deviations, 22% of females exhibited hyperkyphosis, while 19% of males showed scoliosis. In terms of physical activity level, 43% of females were categorized as active, compared to 27% of males. There was a greater prevalence of spinal postural alterations among females, while backpack weight did not differ between sexes. Overall, volunteers demonstrated a good level of physical activity.

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How to Cite
CARVALHO, R. de S. R. .; MOSTARDA, C. T. .; NASCIMENTO, M. A. do. POSTURAL DEVIATIONS IN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN SÃO JOÃO DOS PATOS - MA. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 17, n. 51, p. 488–504, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10947118. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


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