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The present study aims to identify strategies aligned with DigCompEdu or its principles that are employed for the development of digital competences in teachers across all levels of education. The study is characterized as a literature review of the narrative type. The descriptors used in the survey conducted in the Scopus database were "professors," "DigCompEdu," and "digital competence," along with the boolean operators "and" and "or," with the combination "professors" and "DigCompEdu" or "digital competence." The gathering of information and the parameters used in the search, screening, and data selection followed the recommendations of the PRISMA methodology. The research database corpus was analyzed through qualitative content analysis with Bardin's methodology. As main findings, the absence of themes related to "Institutional Communication" was noted. In "Professional Collaboration," professional instrumental collaboration was prevalent, and the need for interventionist actions was emphasized. In "Reflective Practice," it was reinforced that spaces for exchange and dialogue are the most effective for teacher learning. Finally, in "Continuous Professional Development," complementary training was seen as essential. The main strategy indicated in studies aligned with DigCompEdu is related to Continuous Professional Development. This study further emphasizes that social, cultural, economic contexts, gender inequalities, and differences in thematic fields of action should be considered for a better diagnosis of the acquisition of digital competences, enabling more effective interventions for better teacher training. The research concludes that the implementation of enhanced digital resources is fundamental for continuous professional development in educational mediation.
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Copyright (c). Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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