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Carla Fernanda Zanata Soares
Matheus Michels Kieling


Based on the relationships between the phenomenon of financialization of capital and the role that the State plays in the process, this study discusses the socio-environmental repercussions of financialized work and the functioning of companies operating in the industrial sector, in Brazil, from 2000 to 2021. The problem is the impacts that the logic of financial dominance causes, both on the worker's quality of life and on the environment. With an interdisciplinary approach and taking into account deductive reasoning, the objective is to indicate how the organization and production of work has been occurring, as well as the control of environmental risks, in some of the largest publicly traded companies on the Brazilian Stock Exchange – B3: Petrobrás and Vale. From Marx, Chesnais and Honneth, as well as the analysis of information from Sindipetro and the National Federation of Oil Workers, indications emerge on how financialized production and work are characterized, as well as certain forms of disrespect that harm the human dignity of the worker and the environment. As conclusions, it appears that although there are benefits arising from a good environmental risk control policy for companies, some of the largest of them choose to intensify investments in the financial market to the detriment of environmentally sustainable actions.

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How to Cite
SOARES, C. F. Z.; KIELING, M. M. BETWEEN FINANCIALIZATION AND RECOGNITION: FROM THE VIOLATION OF THE WORKER’S HUMAN DIGNITY TO THE DEGRADATION OF THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT BY PETROBRÁS. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 13, n. 37, p. 307–331, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8350606. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


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