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This study focus on the perspectives and possibilities of applying eco-friendly technologies in museums from the perspective of managing museum spaces, by carrying out a research that aims to reflect, in the light of a literature review, how sustainable technologies can be applied in museum spaces. Therefore, from a methodological point of view, this is an exploratory study, which made use of bibliographical research as a substantiating instrument, whose research universe was a set of publications that deal with the categories of analysis: Museum, Sustainable Technology and Museological Management, in which a qualitative analysis work was developed to systematize secondary data and composition of the results discussed here, in turn collected in SciELO, Google Scholar, BDTD, Metabuscador Oasis, published between the years 2013 and 2023. It addresses the socio-environmental function of museums, as well as characterizes eco-friendly technologies, their uses and meanings for museum management. It reveals that the results point to a growing implementation of sustainable technologies in the management of infrastructure and collection in museums, through the application of innovative and intelligent solutions in the processes of access, mediation and interaction necessary for a performance focused on the principles of sustainability, in its social, economic, cultural and environmental dimensions. It reinforces that the application of sustainable technologies in museums can reverberate in numerous advantages for the performance of these spaces, and can be worked with the objective of promoting improvements in infrastructure, administrative processes, exhibition practices, rethinking museum plans and fostering the questioning of traditional methods of exhibition that do not consider socio-environmental issues.
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