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Juliana Carneiro Vieira
Thiago Fernandes Qualhato


Signal-response perception in plants has been widely studied, known as phytoacoustic, bioacoustic or ecoacoustic signaling. The aim of this research was to identify the induction of germination and growth of cherry tomatoes through acoustic vibrations with classical music. The experiment took a quantitative approach, using 240 seeds of Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme for two experiments: germination and growth. There were 8 and 50 replicates, distributed and identified from G1 to G8, for two different treatments: plants subjected to the presence and absence of acoustic vibration, respectively TAC-CV and TAC-SV. The explanatory design describes the processes for selecting and asepticizing the seeds, such as the use of 1% NaClO and 70% alcohol, as well as identifying the dimensions and asepsis of the materials, glassware and acoustic chamber. The types of equipment used during the research were also described, such as the laminar flow chamber and the autoclave. Data analysis consisted of individual germination counts and the measurement of roots and hypocotyls with a ruler, assessed phenotypically and quantified after 10 days in both treatments. The results were positive, with 58% germination over a six-day period in the vibration treatment, compared to the 95% germination rate of the ISLA Line, as well as a reduction in the rate of dead and contaminated seedlings. Positive growth was also observed in the roots and hypocotyls. It can be concluded that acoustic vibration positively influenced the germination and growth of cherry tomatoes, suggesting that this technique could be a promising complement to other techniques for sustainable vegetable production.

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VIEIRA, J. C.; QUALHATO, T. F. ACOUSTIC VIBRATIONS IN GERMINATION AND GROWTH OF CHERRY-TOMATO SEEDLINGS. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 20, n. 58, p. 383–406, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14538626. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.


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