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The severity of the effects of workplace bullying on workers' health justifies studies in different contexts. This article aims to characterize the phenomenon of workplace bullying and its consequences based on the perceptions of public servants in an institution located in Brazil. The research adopts the deductive method, using unstructured interviews as the primary instrument for collecting primary data, complemented by secondary data from specialized literature and institutional reports. A total of 18 interviews were conducted, and their analysis was based on content analysis technique, supported by the Iramuteq software, which enabled the organization of data into central, intermediate, and initial categories. Among the main results, the study highlights the identification of a work environment characterized by bullying practices and ethical issues, with negative impacts on mental health and organizational climate. The study concludes that the phenomenon constitutes an ethical and managerial problem, demanding structural interventions to minimize psychosocial risks and promote a healthy organizational environment.
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