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Camila Pavi Garcia Rosa


This article intends to discuss aspects of global constitutionalism, from the pertinence of its thought to the issues that appear as a barrier to its realization, clarifying its urge conformation. Through an analysis of the current international situation, a parallel is drawn between the protection of fundamental rights and the global society adopted industrial model; as well as its impacts and consequences to international relations. The text illustrates the problematic of the abusive hegemonic world actors, especially in the face of global catastrophes, to investigate its repercussions on nation-states, considering their economic, social and demographic differences. Based in current literature, legislation and doctrine, the work articulates the international behavior noted at the time of the catastrophes with the ideals of global constitutionalism, through the comparative analytical method, highlighting the axiological subversion and opportunism for strengthening of autocracies. Evoking, furthermore, the indispensability of global governance and effective international dialogue, the work talks sovereignty, emancipation and cooperation, by virtue of common assets, and overcoming the liberal matrix, in order to investigate a must livelihood global model to the protection of human dignity and the perpetuation of life on earth – concluding to the urgency of such a principle.

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How to Cite
ROSA, C. P. G. . CATASTROPHES AND GLOBAL CONSTITUTIONALISM: UNMASKING THE DISGUISES OF THE LIBERAL MATRIX. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 9, n. 27, p. 17–30, 2022. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6000977. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


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