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Matheus Michels Kieling


The theme of this study is the analytical path of recognition in Honneth's theory. The objective is to reveal the reasons that led Honneth to formulate his concept. Therefore, the focus of the text is to revisit Honneth's writings in order to understand which theoretical currents led the author to develop his concept of recognition. To this end, Honneth's theoretical path regarding Marxism will be analyzed, connecting it to philosophical anthropology. The rescue that this current provides to Honneth makes him move from a traditional Marxist analysis to alternatives that enable him to reinterpret Marxism. Through the deductive method, with descriptive and interpretative perspectives, it is seen how his foray into the studies of French philosophy and sociology, through an analysis of the author's texts in the 80s, allows us to understand how Honneth visualizes an alternative through the problems identified in the throughout the trajectory of the Frankfurt School’s Critical Theory. The results of this research demonstrate that positioning oneself as a theorist of this tradition, Honneth aims to develop a theory to correct what he calls the sociological deficit in Critical Theory. Thus, the conclusion of this study is that recognition arises through criticism of countless authors, which is loaded with assumptions that supported his most important book Struggle for Recognition.

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How to Cite
KIELING, M. M. THE GENESIS OF RECOGNITION IN AXEL HONNETH. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 19, n. 56, p. 23–47, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13665297. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.


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