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Beatriz Borges Brambilla


Brazil is a country marked by the process of social-historical-political formation based on colonial bases (racist-patriarchal-capitalist), which operates on social relations and ways of life. There is a formation of the Modern State in our country that legitimized the overexploitation of women's bodies and lives; raped, enslaved, dominated and inferiorized. The present article, therefore, proposes itself as a theoretical-critical essay that will aim to analyze the development of public policies for women, analyzing the measures adopted for gender equity, and observing a patriarchal approach of the Brazilian State when scrapping, precarious and end policies for women, finally addressing the issue of gender inequality/violence and domestic violence as a "police case". Such a scenario further accentuates violence against women, demanding a repolarization of politics, with the depatriarcalization and feminist state of the social relations, with the production of new syntheses and webs of meaning from the denaturalization of exploitation-domination-oppression relations, patriarchal oppression, the organized struggle of women, the recognition of plurality and intersectionality, with effective social policies and the occupation of institutional politics.

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How to Cite
BRAMBILLA, B. B. . ESTADO PATRIARCAL E POLÍTICAS PARA MULHERES: DA LUTA PELA EQUIDADE DE GÊNERO AO CASO DE POLÍCIA. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 5, n. 13, p. 27–42, 2020. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4292706. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


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