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Jamila Maria Azevedo Aguiar
Flávia Christiane de Azevedo Machado
Cecília Olívia Paraguai de Oliveira Saraiva
Fernanda de Lira Nunes Paulino


Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) are quality management tools that reduce the possibility of errors when executing tasks. In this sense, an improvement cycle is described in a reference hospital in the state of Ceará, Brazil, conducted to reduce Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs), through the development, validation and application of a SOP for terminal hygiene of critical bed. Therefore, this is na action research, from January 2022 to January 2023, involving professionals from the intensive care unit cleaning team and the management of the hygiene service. The stages of the cycle were: integrative review for theoretical support of the POP, discussion groups with key informants (service workers) to add the practical focus and build the document; training of the participant sample; implementation and monitoring through process and result indicators constructed with data from the checklist used in audits of the hygiene process; participatory analysis of results. In this way, safe critical bed hygiene management practices were systematized, based on the construction and validation of the SOP and checklist, constructed and validated by those involved in the work process and achieving a satisfactory result, which will potentially contribute to the reduction infections, a fundamental issue for risk management. It was evident that the use of quality indicators with participatory analysis, periodic continuing education processes, management support, favorable organizational context, transparency in deliveries between the manager and executors were vital to achieving the goals.

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How to Cite
AGUIAR, J. M. A.; MACHADO, F. C. de A. .; SARAIVA , C. O. P. de O. .; PAULINO, F. de L. N. ACTION-RESEARCH: HYGIENIZATION IN HOSPITAL CRITICAL BED. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 18, n. 53, p. 366–387, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11985516. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


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