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The field of studies and research on contemporary youth is constituted by a broad, diverse, plural terrain, in which multiple themes and conceptual associations can be investigated. One of these themes concerns the understanding of how psychoanalysis has been understanding such subjects, based, in particular, on their social relations, cultural production and the processes of juvenilization. The main objective of this text is to carry out a bibliographic research about the most recent scientific productions, on the theme of youth, within the scope of psychoanalytic discussions. For this, a bibliographic research was carried out through the Google Academic platform, which sought to identify publications with the descriptors "youth" and "psychoanalysis", between the years 2001 and 2020. The ethical precautions for regulation in human science research were followed, from the waiver of analysis by the Research Ethics Committee, as it is a bibliographic investigation. As a result, it was possible to verify the occurrence of five texts, two articles, two book chapters and one text consisting of an opinion article, published in books and newspapers with wide circulation. The set of materials analyzed allows us to verify the relevance that culture and the production of social relations gain in psychoanalytic debates on contemporary youth. It is possible to consider, therefore, that productions on the two fields object of this analysis, albeit in a low number, point to the understanding of young people as culturally and socially linked subjects, as well as highlighting the processes of youthful culture, widely experienced in society contemporary.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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