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Donny Wallesson dos Santos
Maurício José Morais Costa
Conceição de Maria Belfort de Carvalho
Kláutenys Dellene Guedes Cutrim
Rozuila Neves Lima


This study seeks to analyze the opportunities for liberation of the working class in the cultural sector, especially those involved in artistic and cultural occupations of the Historic Center of São Luís, and their relationship with the redefinition of public spaces to achieve human emancipation in this context. It uses a critical-dialectical methodological approach. This is an applied research of an exploratory and descriptive nature, using a case study. Initially, a bibliographic survey covering the last 3 years was carried out in sources such as SciELO, CAPES Journal Portal and IBICT's Oasis Metasearch. Data were collected through field research involving 4 artistic and cultural occupations in the Historic Center of São Luís. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the representatives of these occupations, with analyses based on the guidelines of Content Analysis. The study discusses the right to the city and its correlation with different forms of organization of the cultural working class, exploring its possible liberations. The results highlight artistic and cultural occupations as powerful strategies in the face of the precariousness of work, exercising the right to the city to emancipate these individuals from the restrictions imposed by capitalism, not only by the private sector, but also by the State. The findings reveal that these occupations stand out in the context of the precariousness of work, challenging the commodification of the city and public spaces. They promote activities and offer services in a public, free and collaborative way, subverting the dominant logic. It is concluded that redefining public heritage spaces is intimately linked to the guarantee of the right to the city, recognizing its dynamics as a collective project that involves public, private and civil society spheres.

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How to Cite
SANTOS, D. W. dos; COSTA, M. J. M.; CARVALHO, C. de M. B. de; CUTRIM, K. D. G.; LIMA, R. N. ARTISTIC-CULTURAL OCCUPATIONS: HUMAN EMANCIPATION THROUGH THE RESIGNIFICATION OF WORK AND APPROPRIATION OF THE RIGHT TO THE CITY . Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 17, n. 49, p. 239–265, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10531204. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


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