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This paper addresses meta-evaluation in the context of Brazilian higher education, highlighting the challenges and opportunities that arise from institutional evaluation conducted by the Own Evaluation Commission (CPA) within the scope of the National System of Higher Education Evaluation (SINAES), but also offers valuable opportunities to improve educational quality, promote transparency and drive institutional innovation. The importance of the meta-evaluation is highlighted to guarantee the quality, usefulness and relevance of the evaluations, as well as to promote the institutions' transparency and accountability. Through the meta-evaluation, the institution demonstrates its commitment to quality and transparency. This increases the confidence of students, faculty, staff and society at large. Through a bibliometric survey, the state of research and publications on the subject in Brazil was verified, seeking support from internationally recognized authors in the construction of this work. With this, it is concluded that the meta-evaluation not only contributes to improve the individual evaluations, but also strengthens the evaluation process as a whole, generating trust, learning and continuous improvement, and the political-institutional will is essential to effectively use the evaluation results and promote necessary transformations. Through meta-evaluation, it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness of the methodologies used in the evaluations. This can lead to methodological adjustments that result in more accurate and reliable assessments.
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