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Andréia Florêncio Eduardo de Deus
Queli Ghilardi Cancian
Anilton de Oliveira da Silva
Gabriela Artini da Silva
Vilmar Malacarne


The remote teaching imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, emergently, delegated the responsibility of teaching to parents or guardians, causing numerous impacts in the family environment and in the literacy process. In this direction, this study aimed to analyse the impacts of remote teaching on the development of literacy and on the routine of the families responsible for children in elementary school of a public school in a city in Paraná state. This is a qualitative case study, descriptive exploratory, developed from the application of a structured questionnaire to the legal guardians of students enrolled in the school in 2021. The results showed the difficulties regarding the short time for the development of school activities, the lack of knowledge on the part of those responsible, and the children's lack of interest in the development of activities. From the data analysis, it is concluded that the Emergency Remote Teaching has intensified and overloaded the families in the task of teaching their children to read and write, proving the difficulties of adaptation and the stagnation in the literacy process.

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How to Cite
DEUS, A. . F. E. de; CANCIAN, Q. G.; SILVA, A. de O. da; SILVA, G. A. da .; MALACARNE, V. LITERACY IN TIMES OF A PANDEMIC: REALITY AND CHALLENGES IN THE PERCEPTION OF FAMILIES. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 14, n. 42, p. 22–35, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7995715. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


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