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Excess weight (which includes overweight and obesity), despite being a phenomenon that involves social aspects, is mostly investigated from the prioritization of individual aspects. This article aimed to propose an explanatory model of prejudice against fat people based on Stereotypes about fat people, the Attribution of an internal locus and control over the onset of weight gain, the Attribution of instability of overweight and the Belief in blame for being overweight. To measure these variables, cross-cultural adaptations of the Controllability Scale-Revised scales (PARRY, 2011) were used; Implicit Theories of Weight Management (Burnette, 2010); Competence and Warmth Stereotype Content Model by Fiske et al. (2002); Paternalistic Anti-Fat Attitudes Scale (PARRY, 2011) and the Measure of Fat Bias (UMB-FAT) (LATNER et al., 2008), validated for Brazilian Portuguese by Menezes (2022) and also used the blaming instrument against people fat people validated by Obara and Alvarenga (2018) to test an explanatory model of prejudice against fat people. The model was built using the Mplus software, version 8. It is hoped that this work will stimulate future studies and interventions that present accurate information about overweight that can reduce prejudice against fat people.
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