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The Gender, Culture and Development teaching project took place in the second half of 2021, in the distance education, with the dialogical methodology on virtual conversation circles at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Goiás (IFG), Valparaiso. With the aim of valuing gender diversity and combating violence, the target audience was the internal community of the Valparaíso. From a theoretical point of view, it had as pillars the historical-cultural psychology of Luria, Leontiev and Vygotsky, and the concepts of dialogism and dialogicity present in Bakhtin’s, which provide a reading of human relations, education, discourse, as historical human constructions, in addition to the methodological of dialogical thematic analysis. In addition to the formation of the internal community, the feedbacks of all the people who participated in the project lead to the need to deploy this action to others such as research and extension actions, in permanent forums at the institution. Doctoral research is already under development for the deployment of this action in the form of an extension project so that the IFG can become plural and inclusive and become a mediator, through the articulation between teaching, research and extension, for a more inclusive society.
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