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Elias José Mediotte
Magnus Luiz Emmendoerfer
Alessandro Carlos da Silva Junior
Thiago Chagas de Almeida


The aim of this essay is to generate reflections on the role of governance and placemaking in fostering responses between the State, society and territorial development, based on creative cities that are seeking this distinction. The research is characterized as qualitative and for this purpose bibliographic reviews of an interpretative nature were carried out on the themes: territorial development; governance; creativity; and placemaking. When discussing development, especially in creative cities, two types of orientation stand out. One that reproduces the traditional capitalist model and another that is based on solidarism. As one of the results, it was observed that the technological transformations of the contemporary environment demanded entrepreneurial and innovative actions, involving cooperation of local actors for territorial development through governance and placemaking. The conclusions indicate that to understand territorial development it is necessary to understand the dynamics and articulations among local actors. In addition, they show that governance and placemaking are relevant tools nowadays to deal with different issues such as socio-spatial inequalities in cities that are (or seek to be) creative in terms of effectiveness in their respective territories.

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How to Cite
MEDIOTTE, E. J.; EMMENDOERFER, M. L.; SILVA JUNIOR, A. C. da; ALMEIDA, T. C. de. THE ROLE OF GOVERNANCE AND PLACEMAKING FOR TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT: REFLECTIONS FOR CITIES (WHAT SEEK TO BE) CREATIVE. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 13, n. 37, p. 138–152, 2023. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7585188. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 may. 2024.


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