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The growing use of digital information and communication technologies (DICT) in contemporary education has brought not only unprecedented opportunities, but also an alarming dependence on commercial interests. Currently, various historical, political and social reconfigurations have influenced the organization of DICTs in the educational scenario. These factors include the advance of the global education industry, the expansion of edu-business, the emergence of EdTech and the strengthening of digital governance, among other aspects that redefine the dynamics of teaching and learning. The aim of this research is to analyze the advance of edu-business and EdTechs in the Brazilian educational field, investigating the implications of these initiatives in the production and redefinition of pedagogical practices and educational policies, with a focus on the global education industry and the regulatory dynamics that these technologies and business models impose on the educational system. Methodologically, the study adopted a qualitative approach, with a theoretical and documentary review, as well as the application of a SWOT matrix to analyze the data collected. The results show that although educational technologies have innovative potential, their implementation in a way that is out of touch with the country's structural challenges can jeopardize equity and the right to education. In addition, the insertion of EdTechs into the educational field does not occur in a neutral way and has been linked to a market logic that redefines education as a highly profitable sector. We conclude that the rise of EdTechs and digital platforms needs to be accompanied by public policies that guarantee equity, quality and the valorization of public education, avoiding the capture of the education sector by business interests, pointing to the need for future research into the regulation of EdTechs, the challenges of digital inclusion and the effects of the global education industry and public-private partnerships on education.
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