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Student assistance is fundamental in promoting educational equity, ensuring conditions for the permanence and success of students in a situation of socioeconomic vulnerability. In the context of the Federal Institute of Rondônia (IFRO), this policy is essential to mitigate inequalities and ensure that low-income students are able to complete their academic training. Therefore, the central objective of this study is to analyze how IFRO has been structured to meet national guidelines regarding student assistance. Specifically, it seeks to identify the main difficulties faced by students in accessing the aid offered by the institution. For this, the research adopted a qualitative approach, based on the case study method, articulating documentary analysis, survey and empirical survey. Institutional documents, regulations and IFRO student assistance notices were analyzed, in addition to the answers presented by the students in the survey. The interpretation of the data was based on a critical approach of Marxist bias, allowing to understand student assistance as part of a broader context of reproduction and confrontation of socioeconomic inequalities in the school environment. The results show that, despite the relevance of student assistance for the permanence of students, obstacles persist that hinder access to aid, such as excessive bureaucracy, restrictive eligibility criteria and technical difficulties faced by students in the registration process. In addition, it was identified that a significant portion of students do not fully understand the requirements of the notice, which directly impacts the granting of benefits. It is concluded that, in order to make student assistance more efficient and accessible, it is necessary to review selection processes, simplify documentary requirements and expand institutional support strategies for students. Understanding how assistance policies are implemented allows you to improve your practices and promote greater equity in education, ensuring that education fulfills its emancipatory role in society.
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