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The numerous and important transformations in society, from the women's suffragette movement, social movements, civil rights and the sexual revolution throughout the 20th century, were not enough to structurally change society to the point of eradicating gender violence, which has been ingrained over time and still persists as a factual problem. Based on this theme, this book, entitled “Gender Violence: Multidisciplinary Debates”, aims to discuss the problem of gender violence, through a set of analyses that range from theory to empiricism, thus illustrating the complex reality of women in the 2020s. Structured in six chapters, this work was only possible due to the collaborative work engendered by a group of researchers committed to an agenda that guarantees civil rights and, consequently, promotes gender equality in the country. The theoretical-methodological characterization of the work is exploratory, descriptive and explanatory in nature regarding the ends and qualitative-quantitative approaches regarding the means, having as a convergence point the multidisciplinarity and the use of the deductive method for the analysis of the ontological core of gender violence in Brazil. It is concluded that this book is indicated for a wide readership, awakening the interest of citizens, academics, specialists or political actors, precisely by reconciling theory and practice based on a multidisciplinary didactic approach and a fluid language, devoid of technicalities, but which is committed to stimulating reflection, debates and changes.
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SENHORAS, Elói Martins; NASCIMENTO, Francisleile Lima (organizadores). Violência de Gênero: Por um Olhar Multidisciplinar. Boa Vista: Editora IOLE, 2022, 203 p.