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Rose Mary Maduro Camboim de Azevedo
Suely Pereira Freitas
Fabio de Almeida Oroski
Maria Luiza Costa Martins
Raimisson Rodrigues Ferreira Costa


The Brazilian regulatory system, in its current structure, is relatively recent, especially in comparison to European and North American experiences, which highlights a vast field for academic research on its functioning. This study analyses the impact of the new Brazilian regulatory framework, aimed at regulatory quality, on the management practices and review of the regulatory stock of federal regulatory agencies and Inmetro. A mixed-method approach was adopted, with data collected through documentary analysis of 79 institutional documents and the application of structured questionnaires sent via the Fala.BR platform for regulatory agencies and Inmetro. The data was analyzed using the content analysis methodology, combining techniques to identify categories and criteria related to regulatory practices. The results indicated a significant reduction in the number of normative acts due to normative consolidation and an increase in planned ex post evaluations in the regulatory agendas. However, the heterogeneity in the approaches adopted by different regulators reveals varying levels of regulatory maturity. The conclusion is that the new regulatory framework has made important progress, but there are still challenges to standardizing and coordinating regulatory practices, which are essential to consolidating a more agile, transparent, and efficient regulatory framework.

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How to Cite
AZEVEDO, R. M. M. C. de; FREITAS, S. P. .; OROSKI, F. de A. .; MARTINS, M. L. C. .; COSTA, R. R. F. REGULATORY STOCK MANAGEMENT AND REVIEW PRACTICES IN BRAZIL: IMPACTS OF THE NEW LEGAL FRAMEWORK. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 20, n. 59, p. 01–30, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14283197. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.


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