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Atos Daniel Pereira da Silva
Sara Regina de Oliveira Lima


This research seeks to discuss the gender representations experienced by the main character of the work My Princess Boy, by Cheryl Kolodavis (2009). A bibliographic research was carried out, having as main base the ideas approached in the following authors: Connel (2005); Butler (2003) and Louro (2008). The results achieved started from the assumption that the current social norm, heteronormativity, penetrates the social environment, like school and family, in an attempt to restrict gender diversity manifestations. Thus, it was found that the research could emphasize that as the subjects present numerous gender identities constructed as resistances, the princess boy is a resistance narrative nuance whose author’s main strategies is to attribute the character aspects such as: liking the pink color , wear dresses and be the princess in fairy tale stories. The intention to refute gender stereotypes is perceived in the analyzed material, but some trivialities reinforcement involving sexual identity. Note this work importance for a discussion on diversity and gender identity.

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How to Cite
SILVA, A. D. P. da .; LIMA, S. R. de O. . GENDER, EDUCATION AND LITERATURE: GENDER ISSUES IN MY PRINCESS BOY BY CHERYL KILODAVIS. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 10, n. 29, p. 49–58, 2022. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6427480. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


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