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Vanessa Castro Fonseca Coelho
Nara Ramos Dourado
Karla Monique Fagundes Queiroz
Kênia Souto Moreira
Josiane Santos Brant Rocha


This study analyzed the factors associated with anxiety and depression in women deprived of liberty through a quantitative, cross-sectional and analytical approach. A census sample consisted of women deprived of liberty, assisted in a unit in the North of Minas Gerais, Montes Claros/MG, Brazil. The variables were investigated through structured and validated questionnaires that included sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyle habits, anthropometric measurements, clinical factors, prison situation, anxiety, depression and hopelessness through the Beck Inventories. A descriptive analysis of the data was performed, subsequently bivariate analyses were performed to seek associations between the independent variables and the risk for anxiety and depression through the Person and Fisher Chi-square test, considering p <0.05, and the Odds Ratios were calculated with respective 95% confidence intervals. The final sample included 56 women aged between 18 and 59 years. A high prevalence of light/moderate/severe anxiety (76.8%) and depression (85.7%) was observed. Anxiety levels were significantly associated with non-white skin color (p<0.003 OR= 11.42, CI% 2.30-56.70), altered sleep pattern (p<0.006 OR= 6.00, CI% 1.54-23.33) and the presence of depression (p<0.001 OR= 17.572, CI% 93-105.222), evidencing them as risk factors, while age over 33 years (p<0.027OR= 0.19, CI% 0.04-0.81) proved to be a protective factor. The presence of depression was associated with altered sleep patterns (p<0.002OR=15.00 CI% 2.55-88.17) as a risk factor. This study revealed a high prevalence of anxiety and depression among women deprived of liberty, associated with factors such as skin color, depression, and sleep quality. These findings highlight the need for interventions focused on mental health in the prison context, considering the specific vulnerabilities of this population. Although the study was limited to one prison unit, the results provide support for future research and specific interventions for mental well-being.

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How to Cite
CASTRO FONSECA COELHO, V.; DOURADO, N. R. .; QUEIROZ, K. M. F.; MOREIRA, K. S.; SANTOS BRANT ROCHA, J. THE PRISON OF THE MIND: ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION IN WOMEN DEPRIVED OF FREEDOM. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 20, n. 58, p. 224–248, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.14232880. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.


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