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This study aims to analyze how Pedro II High School (CPII), a traditional federal educational institution located in the state of Rio de Janeiro, implemented the racial quotas established by Law No. 12,990/2014 – which reserves 20% of vacancies in public examinations conducted by the federal government for candidates who self-declare as black – in the recruitment examinations for Technical-Administrative in Education (TAEs) positions, focusing on the impact of this legislation on the change in the racial profile of employees in this career at the institution. The theoretical framework mobilized for this discussion is that of decoloniality from a black Brazilian perspective, as a project of intervention in reality, which allows us to think of racism as an organizing principle of the political struggle around the absence/presence of black people in spaces of power. The research follows a qualitative and exploratory approach, developing a case study through documentary research, in which we analyze secondary data, such as public notices, approvals of results and appointments for TAEs of CPII in the first decade of implementation of Law No. 12.990/2014, in addition to the racial composition of the institution's TAEs, extracted from the Unified Public Administration System (SUAP). The results of the analyses indicate that CPII neglected the provisions of the law on racial quotas in public examinations, especially when we observe TAE level E positions, with higher salaries and greater social prestige, thus having a significant underrepresentation of black people in these positions. Therefore, we conclude that it is crucial to structure systematic processes for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of Law No. 12.990/2014, not only in CPII, but also in other federal institutions.
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