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Leandro Sebastian Pereira da Silva
Marcos Américo


The growth of disinformation on important and sensitive topics for society has been a concern for Brazilian authorities as well as for affected civil society organizations around the world. Fake news has always been present throughout history, but it has become more prevalent due to the predominance of communication in the digital environment and new information technologies. At the same time, scientific research, interested in understanding this phenomenon and combating the spread of disinformation, has also shown significant growth, providing quality and reliable information. The objective of this work is to investigate public policies to combat fake news applied in Brazil and to present relevant research on the subject applied in other countries. To this end, scientometrics was applied to support the systematic analysis of the works in the literature, considering the action of Artificial Intelligence (AI) computational algorithms in the creation, publication and propagation of fake news. The data collection was carried out on June 3, 2024, with the search query: TITLE-ABS-KEY ("fake news" OR “Disinformation” OR “Notícias Falsas”) AND TITLE-ABS-KEY ("Políticas Públicas” OR “Policy Analysis” OR “Public Policy”). Using a historical-deductive analytical method, the relevant timeline was delimited from 2016 onwards, where there was a significant increase in publications on the topic. Applying the PRISMA protocol, the ten most relevant publications from the main sample were selected for data analysis, which used the platform to produce lists and tables of the most cited words and generate graphs and diagrams for presentation in word cloud format. Based on a mixed, qualitative and quantitative analysis, the main public policies applied to solve the problem of fake news in Brazil were related. In parallel, public policies applied in their respective countries of origin or in the locations studied were discussed and mapped based on the most relevant articles, relating the proposed solution and the challenges through a hermeneutic analysis. The results highlight the importance of the expanding topic and the need for new research for the scientific development of public policies that still lack scientific contributions to the problems of growing disinformation.

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SILVA, L. S. P. da; AMÉRICO, M. PUBLIC POLICIES TO COMBAT FAKE NEWS APPLIED IN BRAZIL. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 19, n. 55, p. 81–105, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13346060. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 dec. 2024.


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