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Scheila Renata Peschel
Cleonice Witt
Rafaela Witt Bendlin
Priscila Cembranel
Jacir Favretto


This study examined the perception of organizational justice and organizational citizenship behavior from the perspective of the Strategic Performance Measurement System (SPMS). The methodology was developed through a quantitative approach, descriptive survey procedure, and the application of a questionnaire technique using a Likert scale. The research was conducted with one hundred individuals working at a credit cooperative, and the analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics and the Best Worst method. The results show that the employees have a high perception of their own performance, suggesting that they believe they are fulfilling their responsibilities. The strong organizational citizenship behavior indicated a willingness to go beyond formal obligations and contribute to the cooperative's success. Perceptions of procedural justice (justice of procedures) and distributive justice (justice in the distribution of rewards) were moderate, suggesting that while employees recognize some level of justice, there are still areas that need improvement to achieve a stronger perception of organizational justice. The perception of the performance measurement system was moderate to weak, as employees do not see the alignment of the SPMS with the cooperative's strategy or the system's usefulness in their performance evaluations. It is concluded that there are significant variations between the different units of the cooperative, which influence the organizational climate and strategic alignment, and require the strengthening of the perception of procedural and distributive justice, as well as the improvement of the effectiveness and communication of the SPMS.

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How to Cite
PESCHEL, S. R.; WITT, C. .; BENDLIN, R. W.; CEMBRANEL, P.; FAVRETTO, J. ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE AND CITIZENSHIP FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THE PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT SYSTEM. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 19, n. 55, p. 25–40, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.13340138. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 oct. 2024.


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