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Notifiable diseases represent an important indicator of the development of health services and the population's living conditions. The present study aims to investigate the prevalence of hospitalizations for compulsorily notifiable diseases in a reference hospital in the state of Paraíba during the year 2023. The research was carried out using data from the Alcides Carneiro University Hospital, part of the network of Brazilian Hospital Services Company. Data were collected from the Notifiable Diseases Information System. As this is a secondary data source, there was no need to submit it to the ethics committee. After calculating the prevalence, it was observed that NCDs represented 5% of total hospitalizations. Among these, HIV was responsible for 32.50% of cases, followed by tuberculosis with 22.50%, while other diseases accounted for 45%. The results indicate the need to intensify primary and tertiary prevention actions. Despite the implementation of primary care and prevention and treatment campaigns promoted by the Ministry of Health, NCDs continue to be an important cause of hospitalization, especially in the case of HIV and tuberculosis.
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Copyright (c). Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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