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Matheus Alves de Sousa Atalanio
Danilo Fontenele Sampaio Cunha


The Crimmigration Theory is a topic of significant academic interest, emerging from the need to investigate the relationship between migration, criminal law, and State sovereignty. Brazilian immigration policy underwent a paradigm shift with the enactment of the Brazilian Migration Act, prompting reflections on the influence of this doctrine on Brazilian migration policy through considerations of the criminalization of migrations, the normative foundations of Brazilian immigration policy, and the theory's impact on the Migration Act. The study employed legal hermeneutics as the primary method of analysis, drawing on a qualitative approach and exploratory bibliographic data. In addition to recent reviews of national and international literature on migration and Crimmigration, reports from UNHCR and IOM were analyzed. Consequently, it is evident that the Migration Act, the cornerstone of Brazilian immigration policy, by recognizing migrants as subjects with human rights, adheres to constitutional and international principles, thereby rejecting the doctrine of criminalizing migrations.

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ATALANIO, M. A. de S.; CUNHA, D. F. S. . BRAZILIAN MIGRATION POLICY AND CRIMIGRATION. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 18, n. 54, p. 181–193, 2024. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.12802656. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 jan. 2025.


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