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Lucas Mendes Costa
Vinicius Modolo Teixeira


This text aims to discuss the interests of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (OCX) in the recent crisis in Afghanistan. As an organization interested in stabilizing and perpetuating peace among its members and on its borders, the withdrawal of US and NATO troops from Afghanistan, ending an occupation of almost 20 years, and the consequent return of the Taliban to control of the country, opens up space for opportunities to act in this crisis, while it should be a permanent challenge for the next few years, in order to prevent crises involving the actions of extremist groups, separatists and, more serious, terrorist acts.

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How to Cite
MENDES COSTA, L.; TEIXEIRA, V. M. AFGHANISTAN: CHALLENGE OR OPPORTUNITY FOR THE SHANGHAI PACT?. Conjuncture Bulletin (BOCA), Boa Vista, v. 7, n. 21, p. 53–58, 2021. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5262975. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


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