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The aim of this study is to outline the mortality profile in surgeries performed at a referral hospital. An exploratory, cross-sectional, retrospective approach was used, employing a quantitative and qualitative analysis. Data were collected from secondary sources, specifically DATASUS, which provides information on the mortality profile in general surgery throughout the state of Paraíba, encompassing hospitals during the year 2022. During the calculation of prevalence, it was noted that, although the mortality rate for general surgery is low, the highest prevalence of deaths is mainly related to general surgeries and cases of acute abdomen, representing 48.16% of general surgery cases. It is worth noting that acute abdomen can have various etiologies. Often, the mortality rate associated with surgery is more related to acute abdomen and general surgery, with the underlying cause of mortality not directly linked to the procedure but rather to complications related to the disease or late complications.
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