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The debate on the role of school as an inclusive environment for children with autism is ongoing, recognizing the importance of providing accessible and welcoming spaces that meet diverse learning needs. In this perspective, the school environment offers other teaching possibilities beyond the classroom setting, through its outdoor space, which can be used as a tool for inclusion and connecting autistic children with nature. Accordingly, this research aims to analyze the use of outdoor spaces, particularly a Sensory Garden, as a pedagogical tool for the learning and inclusion of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The research follows a qualitative and participatory approach. Data collection was carried out in a municipal public school in Paranaguá-PR, during the 2023 academic year, with Specialized Educational Assistance (SEA) teachers through a focus group. Thus, we find that the interaction of autistic individuals with nature plays a fundamental role in their integration into an inclusive education model, enabling the implementation of diverse educational actions and ensuring that the entire school space is conducive to learning.
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