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Social networks are a means of sharing information, connecting people in different spaces and times. The desired content, in different formats, feeds culture in cyberspace, which embraces the most different themes, including those related to the teaching of Chemistry. In this sense, the objective of this study is to discuss the limits and possibilities of using the social network Instagram for the purpose of improving the work of Chemistry teachers. To this end, qualitative research was carried out, with exploratory purposes, carried out through a field study in virtual environments. The selection of profiles, publications and comments took place using previously established inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results were interpreted using content analysis method. Therefore, 04 profiles were selected, from which 08 publications and 11 comments were highlighted. The analysis of the profiles demonstrated an exploration of social networks to disseminate publications by teachers who create content, which provide ready-made classes, laboratory practice scripts, explanatory videos, animations, as well as content that generates reflections on teaching practice. In this way, there is the sharing of pedagogical experiences and also an entrepreneurial logic beyond educational issues, therefore, an adherence to marketing dynamics and the personalization of profiles was noticed as a strategy for gaining loyalty among followers. In this context, it is concluded that social networks have the potential to boost access to resources and strategies aimed at improving the work of chemical educators, requiring care to verify the veracity of the information. It is noteworthy that more studies are needed from this perspective.
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